Some tips and warnings about dating with bisexual

When bisexual dating with heterosexual, they need the other party to accept their sexual orientation, even threesomelove or girls love girls. Don't ignore this problem, don't be afraid of anything.
Don't be too wary of them - it will make them feel uneasy and feel uncomfortable. Treat them like ordinary people, and don't avoid certain topics because they are bisexual.
Remember, for bisexuality, gender is as common as the color of a hair in a mutually attractive relationship. They will like men or women, which is no more strange or dangerous than (assuming) that you like blond hair and brown hair. But the result is not necessary to satisfy both of you. If you have bisexual dating only because of sexual relationships, then give up before you start with the possible serious relationship.
A bisexual may be a bit skeptical about whether you can like two genders. This is not to say that you can't "resonate" with homosexuality or heterosexuality.
Bisexual love has a "some" relationship with people of the same gender, and another relationship with others. (For example, long-term raising a child with a person of the same sex, and having a short-term physical relationship with another person.) This situation has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.
Most bisexual groups give themselves a position to be an LGBT community. Some bisexuals do not feel that they belong to the “any kind” of lesbian, gay or heterosexual groups. They feel that they should have their independent groups. Some bisexuals feel that they can't fit into a lesbian, gay or heterosexual group and feel vulnerable. Bisexuals don't "do not understand" their sexual identity, just wonder to know which group they "fit".
Don't think that they will be more likely to make choices because of bisexuality, or that they can't understand the psychological distress of homosexuality in heterosexual societies - they may not be ready to enter a long-term heterosexual relationship. Bisexuality cannot make himself heterosexual, nor can deny that they are homosexual; when they reach someone they like or have a loved one, they will know how to choose as well as others.
2. Warning
Don't tell bisexuals that they are just in a transitional period and will eventually change. They know themselves better than you, and your only task is to accept what they are.
Some bisexuals like somewhere in "one" gender. For example, some of them like the curvaceous beauty of a woman and the robustness of a man. Every bisexual is different, but I hope you will do what you are now. However, if you want to change the following appearance for other reasons, then there is no problem; any relationship is equal, you don't have to change it for the other party, or you must keep it.
Don't make fun of them because of bisexuality. They may laugh at it, but they are hurt by you or make them feel uneasy. Unless they are actively "telling" you, don't make fun of them.
Don't be self-righteous - or suggest that bisexuals prefer threesome love or more like voyeurism than others. Bisexuality is not a “sex omnivorous animal” – they like “some” men or women – in fact, their sexual orientation does not make them mess around.
Again, don't suggest that bisexuals will love or prefer transgender people. Transgenders completely regard themselves as man or woman after transsexuality, and they will not come to "the best of both worlds." If your partner prefers transgender people, you will be very upset and they will hurt everyone.


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